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Where Is The Government When You Need It?

By Perry Rod, Published: December 11th, 2008 12:13 PM CST

In the case of the U.S. automobile bailout, the U.S. Government has been slow to respond.  And that may be a good thing.

Perhaps it gives them a chance to review and be thoughtful about what they should do. Perhaps they will consider it all carefully from all sides.

But who are we kidding.  Where the media goes, the government goes.  When Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson said the TARP emergency funds were absolutely necessary and time was critical, he single handedly scared an ignorant media into submission, which also scared lawmakers into submission.

Today is no different.  It is commonly reported that the automakers cannot fail.  And it is commonly reported that their business is a failure.

It is not commonly reported, however, that the deregulation of short selling and the subsequent destruction of share price values as a result have played a major role in the new government need to save companies.  The root of the cause is still a mystery to our savvy financial media.

Unethical short sellers like Jim Chanos and former unethical short sellers like Jim Cramer instead become hosts of shows on CNBC.  In fact, in a recent New York Magazine article entitled "The Catastrophe Capitalist," Chanos was featured in a multi page story about his strategy of using the media to attack a company's value and profit off of the short sale.  On top of that, he admits to actually hiring the financial journalist at a later time.  It is further noted how journalists in contact with a man like him are envied.

Where is the U.S. government when you need it?  This is not a story hidden in a court filing.  It is a story now being told by major financial media outlets.  Our capital markets are being seized by greedy manipulative scumbags - for lack of a better description.  And now we just sit on our hands and 'hope' that our new lawmaker president steps in and restores order for our very broken financial market.

Related: GM

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